Your Natal Chart as
Sacred Fine Art
we find our way by starlight
Earth, 2025: Humanity carries the beauty of Astrology around in language.
We pass it back and forth between each other, with words.
And it is so indescribably gorgeous, our words fall short.
But in between breaths where the words can’t reach,
like the gaps between atoms,
like the gaps between protons, neutrons and electrons
that is mostly empty space,
it is into that space,
the words we are trying to wring the beauty out of, fall.
But that space is not just empty.
That place is numinous
and we feel it
in the parts of us that experience Beauty somatically.
That beauty is invisible but we perceive it in the empty space
and that is why the words work,
because of these other sensory parts of our being that paint in the empty space.
It is from that empty space that my StarMaps are birthed into form,
so you can lay your eyes on that beauty,
so you can lay your eyes on that which is beautiful in you.
- Eve Star
“Eve is a treasure
as an intuitive artist ~
what you will receive
from her,
should you choose
to accept it,
is a living blessing
imbued with the
power of intention and
cosmic design,
and that is truly priceless.”
-Rowan Leona,
-Fourth Branch Studios
“I look at your work
and can hear your words,
‘This is YOU,
right as you entered
into this world....’.
And there is something
so affirming and special
about that.”
— Jamie Warkonyi

Greetings ~ I’m Eve
I have been creating StarMaps since 2013 and learning astrology through the art form. My favorite color is black and white; the night sky. I like roses and data and magick. I like straight lines and circles and spilled ink. My process is a union of precision technique and chaos. I recognize birth as the most potent magick any person will ever perform and seek to create living talismans from the position of the moving planets among the fixed stars, at the appointed time. If you would like to hear more about me and the story of these StarMaps, you can read my memoir on Substack. The button below will take you to chapter one and thank you for reading.