This is Your


Your Prima Materia

All proceeding spells are cast with and through it
because this spell

Is You.


Your birth is the most immense power available to you, to draw from

With this single magickal achievement, you
a spiritual being
intersected biological time and space with precision accuracy and arrived in this realm
in your body
from another land, shrouded in mist and mystery.


Your own custom Astrological StarMap awaits your request.
I invite you to explore these halls and see what you may find.

"This month, I had the immense good fortune to receive a custom StarMap from Evening Star Studios. I was so touched when I opened it. I knew right away that it was a fine art heirloom that would be preserved and passed down through my family over the ages. I am so impressed by this artist's work, as it is obviously imbued with mystical intent that defies earthly description."

Virginia Rosenberg


“It looks a page of an old grimoire!”
Serena exclaimed with delight.

“Good,” I replied, “because that’s what it is.”

Greetings ~ I’m Eve

I invite you to read more about me
and my Studios.