A Carnival of Hearts feat: Pisces Dark Moon, 27 February 2025

This coming Pisces New Moon on the 27th of February, 2025 reveals how intimately tied to our personal lives and relationships the current cultural shift is and is becoming, and in this film, we are going to draw it because this geometry is so stunning, absolutely peeling my eyes off with beauty wildly gorgeous!

Collective unfoldings on the world stage usually project a show for us to watch, and a more and more wildly entertaining one with every day that passes. 

Individuals feel varying degrees of connection and act on varying degrees of involvement, but this coming March and April’s astrological antics suggest that our personal and relational lives will find themselves in the very heart and center of the collective unfolding. 

Does this mean that what happens on the world stage will have a dramatic affect on individuals or will what happens to individuals and personal relationships have a dramatic effect on the world stage? 

We will have to wait and see but what we can say from here is, probably both and mixed.

The practical information I share with you in this film is about how in the hot seat “personal relationships” are and will be for the next couple months. Austin Coppock on the year ahead forecast called this time a “Carnival.” That feels deeply resonant to me, and I add to the title; 

A Carnival of Hearts

~ so get ready for wild surprises, plot twists and unfoldings to occur in your relationships, most especially if you have Aries/Libra and Pisces/Virgo placements, though this is such a hive of activity that no one’s really going to be spared. 

This Pisces Dark Moon highlights Jupiter and Mercury. 

This is a very conversational lunation. It’s likely to feel fun and exciting and intellectually stimulating even unto excess, so here are Two Important Noteworthies, for this lunation and the coming couple months:

Firstly, pay attention to your energy levels. When you need to take a break from social and relational interaction, politely excuse yourself and know that it’s enough. You don’t owe anybody anything. Authentic connection is freely given and equally freely received. 

Secondly, understand that though the current social and relational interactions may feel fun and exciting and casual, they are arising from a cresting wave of deep, ancient karmic and dharmic ties that are coming into experience in this moment in time.

We are finding each other now. 

We are finding our tribe, our soul mates, our eternal ancient and future friends in the Now. This tide has been swept to the surface from deep deep below, far far back into time and forward now into this moment of our evolution when we can’t go any further without each other.

And of the upmost importance ~ please remember to enjoy the ride 🎢


We are the Masochists of Longing; Virgo Total Lunar Eclipse, 14 March, 2025


A Magnet Back into the Heart, 12 February 2025 Leo Full Moon