The Pisces Full Moon of 10 September:Here’s to Oneness (and to separation)
I so enjoyed creating this mooncast for you! It starts off all celestial mechanics and geography and timing and then takes a Piscean deep dive into the ocean of our oneness, in gales and swells of this Piscean’s favorite pastime ~ spoken word poetry.
This Saturday, September 10th,
on the East Coast of the United States, just before Sunrise, the Moon in Pisces opposes the Sun in Virgo, with the Earth in between their impassioned tug of love (and war). In this position, the Sun’s light shines full on the face of the moon, and we see, if we are awake early enough, a glorious Pisces full moon, setting in the West.
And as it turns out, the exact moment of full moon is THE SAME all over the world! So in this podcast, we take a world tour and view the full moon through the eyes of our brothers and sisters, in another time and in another place.