
Eve Star Eve Star

The place where yes and no meet, and match wits; August 14th - 20th, 2022

This is the place where yes and no meet and match wits. It’s a fuck yes of the highest accord, serious on the level of life and death/love of a lifetime, life altering decisions, cosmic and karmic and dharmic all wrapped up in the curious connecting of separate but magnetized human beings in a myriad web of relating.

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Eve Star Eve Star

A Balancing Act:: Relax and Engage, August 8th - 14th 2022

Race car driver, tight rope walker, or martial artist ~ pick your poison. Each of these people have spent decades developing the kind of Saturn and Mars skill that this time right now demands of us. Think of the tiny, minuscule, instant to instant, back and forth of relaxing into the flow and muscular engagement that each of these requires. Feel into it and you are feeling into this astrology; the astrology you have been preparing for your whole life.

You are the expert of your life, and all of your skill is required for this ride.

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Eve Star Eve Star

Surprise, congratulations, and you’re in big trouble mister; the 1st - 7th of August, 2022.

Weekly Astro weather for the 1st through the 7th of August, 2022. We begin the week with a bang, truly. Mars conjuncts Uranus at 18 degrees of Taurus at 7 49 pm, EST almost exactly conjunct the North Node, opposite the South Node.

Break down, break up, break through. Turn on, tune in, drop out. Surprise, congratulations, and you’re in big trouble mister; all are part of the possibilities with this alignment, and with the Nodes in the mix, these events will be of great evolutionary import, both individually and collectively.

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